by MASTER GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK | 6:26 PM in | comments (0)


Di tutorial kedua ini kita akan mempelajari bagaimana hendak membina sebuah jam digital.

1) Lancarkan Macromedia Flash dan buka satu fail baru dengan File -> New -> Flash Document

2) Di scene 1, sebelah kiri timeline anda akan mendapati ada satu nama layer, "Layer 1". Dwiklik di atas nama "Layer 1" itu dan namakannya sebagai background.

3) Di atas perkataan background itu, klik butang kanan tetikus dan pilih Insert Layer, namakan layer itu sebagai text. Sekali lagi klik butang kanan dan pilih Insert Layer semula dan kali ini namakannya sebagai "actions". Hasilnya:

4) Sekarang klik "Frame 1" di background

dan di stage binakan satu kotak empat segi dengan Rectangle Tools ditengah-tengah stage

5) Dengan menggunakan Selection Tool, (tool tanda anak panah), anda boleh mengklik kotak yang dibina untuk dialih-alihkan di atas stage. Kini di sebelah bawahnya di bahagian Properties (jika tidak kelihatan klik Windows -> Properties), di bahagian simbahan warna pilihlah apa-apa warna seperti gradient hijau gelap (

supaya kotak itu kelihatan seperti berikut

6) Di layer background juga klik di frame 2, tekan kunci F5

7) Sekarang pergi ke layer text, dan klik di Frame 1, pilih Text Tool dan masukkan dynamic text di dalam kotak hijau tadi. (Gunakan Selection nTool untuk alihkan kotak teks ke tengah kotak hijau).

8) Di bahagian Properties, namakan instances dynamic text ini sebagai clock_txt dan di simbahan warna pilih warna kuning.

9) Kini, pergi ke layer actions, Frame 1, aktifkan Panel Action

dan masukkan kod ini ke dalam Surrent Selection

time=new Date(); // time object
var seconds = time.getSeconds()
var minutes = time.getMinutes()
var hours = time.getHours()
if (hours<12) { ampm = "AM"; } else{ ampm = "PM"; } while(hours >12){
hours = hours - 12;
if(hours<10) { hours = "0" + hours; } if(minutes<10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } if(seconds<10) { seconds = "0" + seconds; } clock_txt.text = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds +" "+ ampm;

10) di layer actions juga tetapi di Frame 2 tekan butang F6. Di Panel Action di bahagian current Selection masukkan kod ini:


11) Siap. Sekarang cuba tekan Ctrl Enter. Jika berjaya, bolehlah simpan fail ini dengan klik
File -> Export -> Export movie dan namakan sebagai jam.swf.

sumber daripada >>>>>>>

Download Any Clip

by MASTER GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK | 2:10 PM in | comments (0)

1- Install realplayer gold11. Click here to download the file

2- Don`t use firefox beta version, because real plyayer gold11 doesn`t work. Bertter firefox version or lower than that.

"w32/Hooon.worm NoooH" kompiter diserang.."jgn panik"

by MASTER GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK | 5:52 AM in | comments (0)

Mula2...jgn org kata..


1- Install Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 klik sini

2- Install noooh removal.

3- Jika anda menggunakan windows xp servis pack 1 anda diminta menginstall microsoft windows 3.0

Download microsoft windows 3.0 di sini

Nama file nya "WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe"
Selamat mencuba.

Java Script Method

by MASTER GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK | 2:38 AM in | comments (0)

How to disable right click in blogger(blogspot) or any webpage

by MASTER GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK | 6:15 AM in | comments (0)

This post explains how to disable right click on blogger(blogspot) or any other webpage using a html(javascript) code.
It is so annoying if someone copies(thefts) your blog posts,articles,images and another kind of information owned by you saying that they are the original owners of the content.
But,I think 'disabling right click' is not the right solution for that.
Most people come to your site to read information and very small percentage of people come to your site to steal your work,images,etc.So,most people feel it insulting and I think it's very unprofessional thing to do

If you want to protect your images,my suggestion is to add a Watermark(logo) of your sitename,or your name on the images,pictures,etc.
Note:Using this javascript code,you only disable the right click by warning the visitors that the content is copyrighted.

That's all my personal opinion,However if you despirately want to add this feauture,You can get this code here.

Where to paste it in blogger ?
Sign in to your blogger dashboad>layout>Add a Pageelement>html/javascript(look at the screenshot below)
and paste the below javascript code and Save the changes.

How it works?
If you right click on the webpage,a message will pop up on screen saying "function disabled".If you want to change the message to you own one like "sorry....the work is copyrighted" or something like that,replace the "funtion disabled" text with your own message in the Javascript code.


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